Our Products
We offer the following products:
Family Tree Research Packs
Family Tree Scrolls
House History Packs
House History Timelines
Family tree research packs.
These packs tell the story of your family ancestry. They contain a combination of all the documents, census reports, birth, marriage and death indexes as well as a host of other resources that we were able to find. Whilst we can only show the information that was recorded and available, with a little luck we might also find photographs and newspaper articles relating to some of your ancestors too.
The packs follow the surname of the line that you want researched. For example:
As shown above, the client may choose to research the family of any of their four grandparents’ family trees.
How are the packs laid out?
The packs will follow the direct line of the family in question. Starting with the grandparent, the pack will venture back through the line to great grandparent, then 2 x great grandparent and so on. Each direct ancestor will be given a full profile of their life – shaped by the records we find and the background knowledge on the time and area in which they lived.
How large are the packs?
The packs vary in size depending on the number of lines that we are commissioned to research and how much information can be found. Whilst each case is different, they can range from six A4 pages of research up to twenty-five pages.
The packs are produced by professional printers and are presented as bound and on high-grade paper and in colour.
Family Tree Scrolls.
A stunning hand-made family tree scroll that is customisable and perfect to gift for birthdays and Christmas presents. Not only is this a gift for a parent, sibling, partner or other relative – it will also become your first family heirloom that will be passed down the family for generations!
The physical family history scrolls that we offer come in two forms:
- High quality printed trees
- Hand-drawn with ink by our specialist – Ed Spash.
These scrolls can vary in size depending on how many ancestors can be found to be put on the tree, however we offer most trees on A2 and A1 scrolls. Both of these sizes are perfect for framing and putting on a wall in pride of place. Alternatively, they look all the more impressive when unrolling to show family and friends!
Cost: £3 per person on the tree – this includes DOB/DOD and full name.
House History Hardbacks
Have you ever wondered about the people who have lived in your house over 100 years ago? Each house brings with it a hundred stories of past owners dating back to the origins of the property.
The House History hardbacks contain all of the information that can be gathered on your property’s history. It gives detailed information on the past owners and tenants as well as looking at the history of the street and the surrounding area in which the property is situated. This will be interlaced with original plans, old photographs of the neighbourhood, maps of the area and newspaper articles. This unique product offers you a history that has never been established before now and will make your new house feel more like a home through knowing the quirks of its long history.
The packs are professionally bound and printed on high-grade paper making them perfect for coffee tables and study desks alike!
The cost of the House History packs is set at £1,000 - the nature of the history of buildings is that it can naturally vary depending on the age and location of the property.
House History Timelines.
Following on from the House History packs, why not take one step further? These House History timelines combine the history of the neighbourhood alongside the dates when old owners move into the property. We also can include your family name into the timeline too! These bespoke scrolls can be made in a range of different sizes – from A4 up to A1 – and would elevate any wall with a proud history of the property and its new owners.
Timelines can be hand-inked or printed onto high-grade paper:
- Hand-inked timelines: £70
- Printed timelines: £50
Discover your history
We offer a wide range of services and flexible options that will help you uncover your family’s history. We are here to connect you to your ancestors’ past in a way that works for you.