Defending the Faith - Carcassonne, 1209

Will and Patrick delve deep into the purge of the Cathar faith in Southern France. Sanctioned by the Pope and supported by the King of France, crusading knights and templars threw themselves against the walls of Cathar Carcassonne - attempting to crush the so-called heretics. But killing an idea is much harder than the destruction of a city. Tune in to find out more!

Defending the Faith - Carcassonne, 1209
Will Davis-Coleman and Patrick Courtney

Will and Patrick delve deep into the purge of the Cathar faith in Southern France. Sanctioned by the Pope and supported by the King of France, crusading knights and templars threw themselves against the walls of Cathar Carcassonne - attempting to crush the so-called heretics. But killing an idea is much harder than the destruction of a city. Tune in to find out more!


The Great Peace - Montreal, 1701


Father to an Empire - Kabul, 1504